Hey guys!
It was great to talk to you on Christmas! It made my day for sure :)
Thanks for all the awesome Presents! I feel like I got spoiled for sure. I was pretty stoked to get lots of nice ties from everyone! Please let Tricia and Grandma Peggy/Donna and Jess know how much I appreciated the Presents they got me. Brandi, Ashley and Karlee all sent me Presents so that was pretty awesome :)
Overall my Christmas was very different but it was good :) Donald was confirmed yesterday, and that went very well, we are going to play Basketball with him and some potential investigators today. I'm sure you are anxious to know the news on Transfers.
Well, I’m staying in Woodstock for another Transfer! Elder Zander is leaving to go be a zone leader and my new companion is named Elder Tilley.
Elder Tilly is one of the most experienced missionaries in the mission, hes a tall kid and apparently he's good at basketball so that should be good! I think he might even go home next Transfer so I might have a trunky missionary as my companion haha.
He was a zone leader for six months before this and will now be
the new District leader here. I get to
go on lots of exchanges again so that will be cool. So will be going too
Transfers on Wednesday and President Wright is taking us, so he will probably
buy us Cafe Rio on the way back :) But yea tomorrow we have district meeting
and The Kunz (the senior couple in our District) are buying everyone in the
District Lunch tomorrow for our Christmas Present to that will be awesome! They
are the coolest senior couple in the mission.
We also aren't allowed to
proselyte tomorrow night and new years day so that will be interesting! Anyways
I love you guys very much I missed you a lot during this Christmas season, but I'm glad to be out here on a mission :) I'm glad you had a fun Christmas with the
family :) I feel like time is just going by faster and faster and my mission
will be over before I know it, so I will continue to work hard until the very
end. Thanks for always being there for me :) Have an awesome week! :)
Love Wes
January 7, 2014
Hey guys!
It was good to here you had a good New Years Eve! We don’t get to stay up till 12 so my new years eve was pretty non existent ha-ha. And wow 17 days off (girls)? That’s a long winter break!
Anyways we had Transfers New Year’s Day and picked up my new companion Elder Tilley. He is from Memphis TN, and he was in the Sweats old ward when the Sweats were there. He is a 6'4 Baller, pretty dang good at Basketball; he got some offers from some small schools.
He doesn't go home as early as I heard but he leaves sometime in the summer, but won’t tell me when exactly because missionaries are butt heads about telling people that stuff ha-ha.
is a really good missionary and definitely knows what he wants to accomplish
and get done. I have learned a bunch of stuff from him already this last week. We also got 3 new investigators, so we were stoked about that!
We like a lot of
the same things especially basketball and music. And he is Randy Rigby’s
nephew, so he is a big Jazz fan too. I'll see if we can snag some free season
tickets from him when I get home, he is also going to UVU.
So yeah, it has been a
good week, gave a couple blessings earlier this week and that’s about everything
worth mentioning ha-ha. The weather here is awful though. It’s in the teens and
single digits and the humid cold is 10 times worse than the dry cold. But oh
Sarah it was good to get that letter from you! :) Sounds like you had a
crazy amount of homework! I hope school is fun for you and Lynz! :) Thanks for
the scores pops! I hope you guys end up having a good basketball season! Break
some old man ankles! Pull some Euro step on some dudes like I did to some
Elders on New Years Eve! Tell all the guys on Tuesday what up for me and tell
them they all better be there when I get back! I hope you all have an awesome week
and stay warm!
Love ya guys,