March 30, 2015
Hey what’s up guys!
Glad to here you guys had a good enjoyable relaxing week! It
sounds like you have some fun plans for Easter weekend. My week has been pretty
normal; the cold weather has continued to stay around a little bit. It looks
like this will finally be the week that we can say good bye to the cold weather
because everyday looks like it will be in the 60s.
So we are currently down to one investigator who is doing
really well. The finding efforts have been tough for our whole zone for the
last couple months. We have to potential investigators who look very promising
and want to get taught, we just have to touch base with them and meet up with
Sunday was a good church service and Sunday night we had the
big inter-faith Easter program at our church. More people showed up to it than
at stake conference, it was pretty awesome. Most of the program however we were
ushers and security detail ha-ha so I didn’t get to see much of the program
which was fine.
I’m going on exchanges tomorrow with my buddy elder J from Park City
so that should be fun. We have a lot of service set up for this week (yard
work) for members so we will be doing a lot of that. This is the last full week
of the Transfer and I’m pretty sure I’m getting transferred and I think it will
be nice for some new scenery and probably my last area. My guess is on the Columbia zone were the
mission home is and that area because I haven’t been to that area yet but who
Anyways, Conference should be awesome; all the men are going
to a buffet before Priesthood session on Saturday so that should be fun. This
will be my last one on my mission and in the fall me and dad can go hit up
Crown burger or something before we go together :) I hope you guys have a fun
relaxing Easter weekend. I’m sure mine will be nice as well; we are going to my
ward mission leader’s house for dinner that day. Anyways I love you guys! Talk
to you soon!
Love Wes
March 23, 2015

Hey guys!
Wow not much to say about this last week ha-ha! I don’t know
how it is in Utah
but a lot of people are sick around here! It must be the last but before spring
and summer hits.
We had zone training on Tuesday which was good, I didn’t
have to instruct so that was nice to just take it easy ha-ha.
We dropped all of our investigators except R who is getting
baptized in April and D and G. So we only have two investigators that we are
currently working with but its cool we are going to find some more these next
few weeks.
With our new Bishopric we currently have, our ward is
tearing it up and getting everything going with missionary work and visiting
less actives and everything. Our awesome bishop had us over for dinner and went
out stopping by fewer actives with us. And the
second counselor brother L who a stud is taking us out for
lunch at Cafe Rio on Thursday and driving us around and stopping by a ton of
less-actives. So we are staying busy and doing work and going hard in the paint
Anyways that’s pretty much all I got for this week. I look
forward to your package or whatever it is. I will probably get transferred in
two weeks from Brunswick
and move to probably my last area. I’m going to keep working hard and making
everyday count until the end. I love you guys! Have a great week!
Love Wes
Great emails this week, thanks! Anyways glad to here you guys had a super
busy week that was full of fun things. Thanks for the pictures you sent! I
loved them all and dang that tie I gave Dad is a good looking tie ha-ha, Go tar
Anyways this week was super good and pact for me too. I had
leadership on Friday and I was the second oldest district leader there which
was so weird. Everyone is now a lot younger than me. Our ward is tearing it up
and inviting all there friends and stuff to church and we are picking up new
investigators left and right. R is doing so well and will get baptized in mid
Our new bishopric is FANTASTIC and the ward has improved so
much since I have been here and is one of the hottest wards in the mission
right now. Life is good and everything is going well. We were so stinking busy
this week that I can’t believe its Preparation day today.
I did a baptismal interview this week for a girl the sisters
are teaching who was baptized on Sunday and that was awesome. Over 75 people
came to the baptism. It’s warming up here slowly but surely. I’m hoping we will
see some 70 degree temps here this week.
I have been working out pretty dang hard in our apartment complex
gym every morning. We wake up at six and work out hard for an hour doing
lifting, curling, planks, abs flutters and doing lots of trap and lat work outs
as well as running. I have got my curls with 30 pound weights to 25 reps
without stopping with each hand. I stopped drinking soda altogether and I haven’t
drank any mtn dew or anything for about a month now and I have lost about 2 to
3 pounds off abdominal area which is the hardest thing to lose for everyone on
a mission ha-ha but its still a work in Progress.
Anyways everything is going well glad to here you are doing well.
Thanks for all you guys do I love you guys. You are all seriously the best.
Keep on working hard! Have a great week!
Love Wes
March 9, 2015
Hey family!
I hope everyone is doing well this great week. This week has
been a roller coaster of weather here as well. It was cold all week until Thursday
and it snowed 7 inches. Friday it got up into the 40's and since then it has
been in the high 50s finally! It looks like the good weather is finally here to
stay. Normally, Maryland winters don’t last as
long as Utah
winters and snow in April is not a common occurrence so I'm crossing my fingers
that the snow and cold weather are finally over.
This week we were able to see quiet a few less active
members which were good. Three of them came to church on Sunday so that was
really good to see. We had a good lesson with D and G and brother M, our ward
mission leader came with us and they are still trying to make the commitment to
live the Gospel. Our other 3 investigator appointments cancelled because of
sickness and the weather. We have all our investigator appointments set up this
week and the weather is good so we should be able to get the ball rolling on
baptism with a couple of them this week.
The rest of the week was pretty decent. It was stake
conference weekend here so we had the adult session Saturday night and
Stake Conference on Sunday which was both really good. The stake Presidency
here are a bunch of studs and President and Sister Richards both spoke as well
and elder Gerard of the Seventy who is a stellar seventy all spoke so they
were really good meetings.
Today was fun, we got some good sleep and then we got to
play basketball with a lot of missionaries. The other Fredrick zone got
permission to come over and play so it made for some games and decent
That’s about all that's going on. I have Leadership on
Friday. I hope I get released leadership soon. President has already released a
lot of leaders in my group and the group before me. I have been a district
leader for almost 9 months now! Crazy! Thanks for the letter you guys sent
to me this week and for all your support. I am planning on writing a letter to
Grandma and she really wants me to write to M and his kids too so hopefully I
can find some time to do that soon. Anyways I love you all very much! Have a
great week!
Love Wes
March 2, 2015
Hey family!
I hope you guys are doing well and you guys are staying
warm. I don’t know why you guys are worried about me, it makes me nervous when
you say your worried about me and I have no idea why ha-ha.
Anyway I am pretty ecstatic right now. We have 2
investigators on date. Both young men and doing excellent. Our bishopric was
changed on Sunday and I am so stoked about the new people in the bishopric.
They are all very missionary minded and the work here in the Brunswick ward is starting
to take off.
Our ward mission leader has been taking us out a lot and has
been giving rides places since our cars have been grounded because of
the massive amounts of freezing rain we have been having.
My new companions name is elder W. He came out with me and is from Farmington , Utah .
Anyways our week has been really good even with the terrible
weather we have been having it has been super cold and it’s rained and snowed
and we have had freezing rain and it’s been insane. Luckily today it was in the
40's so it felt really good and all the snow and ice is melting off.
Wednesday was a little weird day sending my companion home
and seeing the sisters who came out with me. But it really wasn't anything
too crazy. I'm glad I wasn't going home, I still have a little bit
left to do out here until I go home ha-ha. I'm stoked about our investigators,
and a lot of less actives we have been working with have been coming to church
to, so the ward is really happy with all the good stuff going on :)
Everybody knows I’m a University
of Utah fan in this ward, so on Sunday
everybody was talking smack about BYU beat Gonzaga because I gave everyone a
hard time when Utah
smashed on BYU earlier this year ha-ha. Anyways that’s about all that going
with me. Anyways I love you guys, I hope everyone is enjoying school and you
guys are having fun. When I get home things should be fun for sure. Have a
great week!
Love Wes