Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 15, 2014

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for all of your emails! So first of all, I must be going crazy because I thought Dads birthday was this coming week, was it just celebrated early or did I just totally space it? Anyways Happy birthday Dad! I love ya and it sounds like you had a good Birthday party! You are still younger than all my missionary companions and friends dads haha. And happy Anniversary! Sarah and Lynz and I wouldn't be here without you guys!
This last week has been pretty crazy. The Fredrick Brunswick area is pretty crazy haha. Its a pretty poor area and is the Maryland capital of homeless people because of something called the Fredrick rescue which is a huge place that take donations and feeds and clothes the homeless. We do service there every week and this last week we sorted a ton of canned food and served the homeless people food for about 3 hours. It was pretty fun, they had lots of soda and stuff to drink so it was good. This area is pretty tough to only have half car in because its so spread out and big. Me and elder p walked around and street contacted people for hours on some of the days we didn't have the car because we have already seen almost everyone who is walk able or really bike able. For some service this week we painted a members mud room and that took awhile. Our ward Christmas party on Saturday was fun. A ton of people showed up and the food was really good. All of the Hams were smoked in some members smokers, so they were really good.
Its been interesting getting used to the area. I have only had to get to know a new area 4 times on my mission so its always an interesting experience haha, there area a lot of cool people here. There is a really rich part of our area where... members...spoil us. One of them owns the company who builds temples for the church, and is good friends with Mitt Romney.
Tomorrow is zone Training and me and two other district leaders have to instruct of course. And on Wednesday we have to teach President and sister Richards a pamphlet lesson So we are going to be super busy these next two weeks which is good. And then its going to be 2015! Like what the heck?! Anyways on Christmas we should be skyping you at the L's who are way cool ....  So anyways that's about all I have for you guys this week, thanks again for the updates on sports and everything! I love you guys hope you have a great week!
Love wes

Monday, December 8, 2014

Dec. 9, 2014 letter

Whats up everyone!
Wow it has been a very long week! It doesn't feel like I have emailed you guys in two weeks! My new area is pretty nice though, so I know you looked up the town of Brunswick which is in our area. But that is only a tiny portion of our area. we cover a huge area that covers a lot of down town Fredrick and surrounding towns. Brunswick is actually a half hour drive from where we live in Fredrick.
 Our apartment is super nice apartment. Its like brand new and has a nice kitchen and everything. We have gym for the complex we are living in so we go there for work outs. 
 My new companion elder P has been out for 3 months so hes a pretty new missionary. Although you would never know it, he is a super good teacher and knows the area well. Hes from Idaho, nice kid likes video games and and stuff like that. He is a super smart kid, but he is willing to play sports which is good haha.
 We share a car with the sisters here which is interesting. It is a lot better than no car, but a lot of our area we have to drive to so when we don't have the car we can only stay in Fredrick.
 Anyways its been interesting getting to know everyone in the district and in the ward. Down town Fredrick is a ecently big so there is a ton of good stores and a decent mall which I was glad about. 

 Our church building is a stake center and it has a full size basketball court and smaller basketball court so its pretty nice.
 Its nice having elder B as my zone leader and elder P is serving in Fredrick Spanish right now so I can chill with him! Not to mention café rio is my area! Hopefully I don't go broke haha.
 Overall im pretty happy with everything! But of course there is the normal stress of being a District leader in a new area but its no big deal.

Anyways it sounds like you guys had a good week. Sorry you guys have been feeling sick! There is a lot of sickness going around the misson right now too.
Oh and by the way my new address is 5901 Ramseur circle apartment 203, Fredrick Maryland 21073. It has been pretty dang cold here the last week or so, luckily it hasn't snowed yet though. So anyways that's about all I can think of to say to you guys. Let me know if you have any questions! I love you guys!
Love wes 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Dec. 1, 2014

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! It sounds like you all had a pretty eventful week! That's too bad about Grandma! I hope shes doing okay. They really need to make her house Grandma proof or somthing haha so she doesnt fall anymore.
My Thanksgiving was awesome. In the morning our zone went on base at fort meade and we played Ultimate Frisbee with the Fort Meade ward. It was pretty fun we played for about 3 hours. We had Thanksgiving lunch at Bishop C's house with about 15 other people and it was way good. I did a good job of not eating too much and was very comfortable the whole day haha. After the C's we went with the sisters to our ward mission leaders house and played board games and ate some pie. I ate quiet a bit of Oreo pie. After that we went to the B's and hung out with them and then played Basketball at the church as a zone. So it was an awesome last mission Thanksgiving.There wasn't too many people we saw because of black Friday and the holidays and all that, so it was pretty boring week haha. 

As far as Transfers go I am getting Transferred! I'm getting Transferred to Brunswick which is in the Fredrick zone. It is supposedly one of the best areas in the mission so I'm pretty excited to be the District leader there. Elder B is my zone leader and in my District so im sure we will be going on lots of exchanges haha. My companion is not someone I know, his name is Elder P and he just finished Training so hes a newer missionary. So I'm really excited to be going there and it will probably be my second to last area. 

Anyways I don't have much more to say. I will get you guys my new address as soon as I can! I love you guys very much! Talk to you soon!

Love Elder LeGrande