Re: From MOMMY
June 29,
What a week! Thanks for the updates of all of your summer time fun and things you guys are doing! It sounds like you all did a lot this last week!
So before I forget I am serving in the Frederick 1st ward which is not the same ward as the Brunswick ward where I served in Frederick before.
My address is 1335 Taney, apartment 302, Frederick, Maryland 21702.
My Trainee is named Elder W from Lehi Utah. He is pretty sick, he just graduated from high school 4 weeks ago haha. He likes sports, he played on the Football team for Lehi high school and he's in to basketball so that's cool.
He has no clue that I am going home in 6 weeks haha. So hopefully it can last that way, I will probably end up telling him the week of that I am going home.
This area is a half car half walk area. So this last week the days we didn't have the car we walked like 20 miles one day. So that has been kind of an adjustment. Luckily it hasn't been very hot this last week so it was terrible although it rained a lot and we got pretty soaked.
We have two investigators that were just barely picked up before we got here. Neither of them have answered the door or returned our call so we are pretty much starting from ground zero haha.
Things just get weirder and weirder for me everyday haha. Pretty much all my good buddies except for the group I cam out with went home. I know like no one in the mission anymore haha.
President and sister Richards are going home this week and we will be meeting President and sister Christiansen this next week. There is a mission wide famous 4th of July party and a member in our ward who is in the stake presidency here and is a retired colonel. We are helping him set up for this party that is expected to have 800 or so people at it so that will be fun. Six weeks left, its pretty dang weird!
I am going to work my butt off though until August 12th. Anyways I don't have much else to say other than I love you guys and am looking forward to getting your package! Thanks for all you do! Talk to you next week!
Love wes
June 22, 2015
Hey fam bam!
First of all Dad, happy fathers day!!! I hope you had a good day and it sounds like you got some good stuff! I was thinking about you all day yesterday!
Anyways we got call outs yesterday. I am getting transferred to the Frederick 1st ward and I am shot gun training. I wasn't too surprised when I heard I would be shot gun training because President likes to do have people do that there last transfer. I was pretty surprised that I was going back to Frederick though but it should be good. :) I am pretty sad to be leaving Annapolis though, everything is going really well here. We pretty much have 3 people on date who are really progressing and doing well. Annapolis may have been my favorite area and I had a blast here. Hopefully I should be able to get a ride down to Annapolis on july 11th for some baptisms we are having here.
So D and his wife and two kids who are like my favorite members are moving to South Carolina and he is managing an office down there, anyways he pretty much offered me a job to sell for him and the average salesman is making 150000 dollars a year. He has been doing really well and I have really thinking about doing it at some time. What do you guys think? I for sure want to stay at home for a few months but this might be a really good opportunity. Its a hard decision but I certainly want to get an education as well.
Anyways Its pretty sure real that this is my last transfer and everything. It doesn't feel real at all haha. President and Sister Richards leave next week and the Christiansens will be coming in. A lot of crazy changes I will be seeing my last transfer. Anyways some thing I have been needing that you could send me in a package is some razors. That would be awesome! I hate using electric and my razors that I have are getting dull. Thats' really all I can think of though. Crazy how I will see you guys in 7 weeks! It still hasn't hit me though. Anyways I hope you guys know I love ya and I am always thinking about you guys! I hope you guys keep enjoying your summer! Hope you all have a great week!
Love wes
June 16, 2015
What is up family!
Thanks for your emails and pictures. Crazy how school is out for the girls! You guys are so lucky that it hasn't been too hot in Utah. It has been 93 degrees or higher this whole week here in Maryland and has almost been unbearable.
This week I went on exchanges with the office assistants this last week. I went to Ellicott city with elder P. He is from Austria and he is a stud. We had a blast. It was stake conference in the Columbia stake so on Saturday we had to go to the stake leadership training and the adult session. We did a lot of service while I was there and we had to help renovate this guys house and his AC was broken and it was 96 degrees outside so it was brutal to work in. We also ended up having dinner with one of the members in Ellicott city who is closely related to the F's in our stake. It was funny because he new exactly where I lived.
Anyways the rest of the week was good our investigators are doing really well. J is still good for july 11th and we are also teaching his mom now and we are going to put her on date for the same day! We also street contacted this guy from originally from Nigeria who lived in London his whole life and we are teaching him now and he is sick! He came to church on Sunday and he is super interested!
And the the R family btw is the family where we baptized there son about 3 weeks ago, do you remember that? So things are rollin' here in Nap town baby!!!... Not every mission can have as good as missionaries as the MBM. Anyways that's about all I got for this week thanks for all you guys do. Like you all said this the last week before transfers crazy enough. I have not the slightest idea if I will stay in Annapolis or not. Anyways I love you guys have a good week!
Love wes
June 9, 2015
Hey family!
Sorry I forgot to tell you last week that we were having zone conference on Monday and so that's why I didn't email you yesterday. Before I forget to answer your question. yes i know sister S she was in the Jones falls ward and I ate at her restaurant in the inner harbor haha.
This last week was really good. We put J on date for July 11th! His whole family including his less active returning dad and his non member mom! That family is killin' it right now! We also found another cool family to teach named the Q's and they are pretty cool too.
This last week it rained most of the week and it just poured for about two days straight so I know how you felt when you went to that concert! I am super stoked to have zone conference out of the way though. It was a really good meeting but it was stressful to put some of the stuff together for the stake, so now its a big relief that I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Today for Preparation day we went to golf range and hit about 80 balls. They let us use some brand new ping and Nike drivers that came out about a month ago and they were so sweet. I am pretty stoked when I come home to come golf with you guys. The weather is starting to really heat up here. Its 92 degrees currently and the humidity is pretty terrible. Twenty two months later and you still don't get used to the humidity.
Anyways I cant believe you guys got my flight info. Its funny A called them trunky papers because that's what we call them here too haha. Only 8 preparation days left.... That is insane! I have been talking to a lot of people lately and it sounds like a ton of my buddies are coming home soon as well which will be super cool.
Also forgot to mention that since President Richards is leaving in two weeks that he did the August groups exit interviews. So now I have already had my exit interview, which is so weird. President said he and sister Richards want to come to my homecoming haha. So presidents home coming will be July 12th and the Sandy, Granite Stake center.
So that will be cool to go to for ya. I flippin' love the Richards so much I got so lucky with them as my mission president and mission mom. Btw we also got to got the temple with the R family this last week and it was awesome! Anyways that's about all I got for this week. I love you guys! Enjoy your summer until I get home and then the real party will start ;) haha love you guys!
Love wes