Whats up everyone!
super stoked for this Thanksgiving week, and I hope you all are too!
Its 64 degrees here today so im happy about that as well. This last week
was zone training and that was pretty good. On Saturday we went to M's baptism in the GB ward who I interview and play
basketball with every week. I'm really tight with him and his Dad...
so we brought brother B with us and got to attend so that was
All of our investigators except for C are being difficult
to get with right now ... and hope to
pick some new ones up this week!
Thanksgiving is going to be awesome.
So Thanksgiving is no Pros, so as a zone were playing ultimate Frisbee
in the morning. For meals were going to the bishops house with the
sisters and 20 or so other people in the ward. We are also going for
dessert from the M's (our ward mission leader and his wife from
WJ) and then we are going to the B's! So its a pretty stacked day and
should be a ton of fun.
On Saturday we are going to the temple with the
B's and some other people including T to go to Baptisms for the
dead with them! By the way me and Elder K and the bishop and some
high priests ordained T to the office of a priest yesterday and gave
him the Aaronic Priesthood!
Sunday night is call outs to see if I'm
getting Transferred or not, if I don't will be in 3 areas for about 18
months! I may only have one or two more areas left in me!
So it anyways
it sounds like you guys have some fun Thanksgiving plans with the
family! Enjoy your last Thanksgiving with out me haha. Are you going to
try to the black friday deals? I don't think we are going to see anyone
on Friday haha. So R emailed me today and told me his Dad wants him to
go to Utah or SVU so he can be a manager at his Dads place. So he is
transferring from Dixie after this semester. They are buying another
property thats about 3 acres and expanding on there business. So that
pretty much makes up my mind on going to Dixie. I'm pretty dang sure I
will not be going there anymore. R also told me that when I get back
his Dad will give me a job starting at 14 bucks and houre. So that
sounds pretty dang good, so we will have to see what happens.
What do
you guys think? Anyways I'm stoked to get the package from you guys!
Thanks for sending me one! :) Well that's about all I got for this week! I
love you guys! Tell the family I say hi and I miss them. Tell e's
kids thanks for all the mail! :) Have a great week, love ya!
love wes